Legendary comedian, filmmaker and “Godfather of Rap” Rudy Ray Moore began his film career in 1974 as the star and producer of Dolemite, which he financed with profits from his best-selling, self-distributed ‘party records’. This seven DVD collection features Moore’s classic “Dolemite” films, his two incredible follow up features, his groundbreaking 1983 stand up film, a 2001 live concert of comedy and music, and a documentary film covering his remarkable career.
Dolemite (1974) A famous nightclub entertainer joins forces with Queen Bee (Lady Reed) and an All-Girl Army of Kung Fu Killers to take on dirty cops, corrupt city officials and arch-rival Willie Green. With its combination of martial arts action sequences, over-the-top sex scenes and Moore’s special brand of “blue” humor, Dolemite became an enormous underground hit in 1975. Its production and impact was celebrated by fan Eddie Murphy and an all-star cast in 2019’s Dolemite is My Name.
The Human Tornado (1976) reunites Dolemite with Queen Bee and her girls, with insane situations and over-the-top action exceeding Dolemite itself!
Petey Wheatstraw: The Devil’s Son-In-Law (1977) The legend of a man who agrees to marry the Devil’s daughter in return for being resurrected. The Funkiest ‘Faust’ ever!
Disco Godfather (1979) tells the story of a cop-turned-DJ who Is called back into action to take down an angel dust ring.
Rude (1983) is Moore’s first-ever live concert film, and features his long-time opening act Leroy and Skillet.
The Legend of Dolemite: Bigger and Badder (2002) is the incredible story of Rudy Ray Moore’s life and career in film and record. Made with the full cooperation of Rudy Ray Moore and some of his most prominent colleagues, this is his story the way it was meant to be told.
Rudy Ray Moore Live at Wetlands (2001) a music and comedy performance concert that takes Moore back to his roots as a Blues shouter and R&B crooner, and features comedy routines that push the limit, even for him!